Jun 15, 2021Managing Chronic Health Needs in Child Care and Schools—Spleen ProblemsChildren with enlarged spleens may be at risk for rupturing (breaking open) the spleen, which is a life-threatening emergency. Therefore,...
Jun 15, 2021Managing Chronic Health Needs in Child Care and Schools—Sickle Cell DiseaseSickle cell disease is a condition through which children have inherited, from their parents, one or more of the abnormal forms of...
Jun 15, 2021Emergency Symptoms Not to MissMost life-threatening emergencies are easy to recognize. You would not overlook major bleeding, breathing that stops, a seizure or a...
Jun 15, 2021Anemia and Your Young Child Guidelines for ParentsAnemia is a condition that is sometimes found in young children. It can make your child feel cranky, tired, and weak. Though these...