Jun 16, 2021Vaccines—Autism ToolkitScientific studies show that many different genes work together with things in the environment to put a child at risk for autism spectrum...
Jun 16, 2021Discussing the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder With Your Child—Autism ToolkitAs your child gets older, she may read reports or hear the word autism in reference to her. Some children are aware of their diagnosis,...
Jun 16, 2021Behavior Challenges—Autism ToolkitChildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have a hard time relating to and communicating with other people. They may try to...
Jun 16, 2021ASD—What Causes Autism Spectrum DisorderMany factors may lead to symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If a family already has a child diagnosed as having ASD, the chance...
Jun 16, 2021ASD—What Are Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder?Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may show developmental differences throughout their infancy, especially in social and...
Jun 16, 2021ASD—Teen and Adult YearsTeens and adults living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have special concerns. Read on to learn more from the American Academy of...
Jun 16, 2021Answers About Complementary and Integrative Medicine—Autism ToolkitMany families of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have questions about other types of treatments for symptoms of ASD. They...